Priestess Initiation at Chichen’itza Mayan Ruins

Apr 27, 2021

“Sister, that’s very beautiful that you want to sing, but no instruments or ritual are allowed at the temple ruins in Chinchen‘itza.”


My breath stopped for a moment after Adrian spoke these words.


“I can’t bring my singing bowl to the temple?”


“No sister, they won’t permit you to enter the ruins with an instrument,” he said again, matter of fact.


I stood there trying to digest what I just heard, with my towel wrapped around my body, my skin moist with coconut oil after just receiving a massage from this Mexican healer.


My mind recalled all the recent moments I had brought my golden chalice singing bowl to sacred sites in nature while back home in Kauai, where I sat down and prayed with it, made offerings and sang to the waters. Then my mind flashed to last week when I recently traveled to a Cenote, an underwater turquoise cave about an hour from Tulum, and there was security down in the...


Mabon* Autumn Equinox Ceremony

Sep 21, 2020

The Autumn Equinox, also known by our pagan ancestors as Mabon, is when there are equal parts light and dark, as the day and night are nearly the same in length.

Therefore, Mabon is a time of BALANCE: where there is both still the high expanded energy from summer and an internal shifting occurring to begin the contraction of energy into the home and hearth as we shift towards winter.

GATHER: This is a time for both celebration with gratitude and taking stock of harvests. Create a Mabon potluck feast to celebrate with friends and family. Invite everyone to bring abundance from their gardens, farmers markets and home-cooked dishes to share the abundance of produce together.  (As Covid is present this Mabon, please take precautions for social distancing during gatherings or have your feast via Zoom/online video call).

CEREMONY: While feasting, go around the circle at the table and:

  1. Express your favorite stories from the summer and what you are grateful for.
  2. Share what...

What to Eat During Your Moontime?

May 26, 2019

Oα‘Ž YOα‘Œα–‡ α—°OOα‘ŽTIα—°E?

Don’t let low energy, moodiness and cramping steer you away from loving this sacred time of your moonthly moonstrual cycle. When hormones are balanced and our body has the right nutrients and minerals, we wont feel pain or exhaustion when our moontime comes. My wish is for you to enjoy this phase of your cycle, as your bleeding phase can be a powerful time for tuning into your intuition and receiving messages for where to place your energy the month ahead.

Here are four powerful foods to eat to replenish your Body-Temple during your bleed to keep you energized, free of extreme cramping, bloating and heavy bleeding, and to brighten your mood!

I am currently in Bali, and exploring all the exquisite restaurants and warungs while eating for my hormones in the four seasons of my menstrual cycle. Here’s what I have been eating:

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Nori is rich in: calcium (10x more than milk!), iron, potassium, selenium, zinc, and iodine, making this a superfood to...


Yoni Massage for More Pleasure & Trauma Release

Jan 14, 2019

I’ve always felt my dharma as a Women’s Health Educator was to provide an open safe space to explore concepts of female health that weren’t taught to us in formal education systems, as well as explore our shadows… the taboos of society we feel hushed to speak about that cause secrecy and shame. 

Because what is NOT Expressed IS Repressed, particularly when dealing with emotional health as a women. 

So today I’m inviting you into the perspective of how your emotions as well as trauma affect the health of your Yoni, which means vagina, or “Sacred Space” in Sanskrit. 

… if we have had abuse or trauma, our yonis can lock up in tension and we might feel pain during sex as well as vaginal dryness. 

If we go throughout our days doubting ourselves, feeling overwhelmed by our schedules, burning ourselves out by taking on too many roles because we don’t have clear...


Yoni Egg: Magick of Manifestation

Jan 02, 2018





These are the words that immediately flow into my consciousness when I think about what this exquisite feminine practice has done for me.

This practice has been around for millennia. In ancient China, women used the practice of inserting an egg shaped crystal made out of Jade into their yoni, the Sanskrit word for vagina that I find super juicy to use as part of my vocabulary. 

Quite commonly known, Jade is associated with many different carvings like Buddha statues for good luck. 

This is because Jade is considered the ultimate Prosperity stone, with a vibration attuned to Abundance, when worked with energetically.

Imagine inserting this stone of abundance into your Sacred Yoni Temple, the most vulnerable, magical, and precious part of your body. 

This space, of the sacral chakra energy, is of Magnetism

of Creation...

of Divine Feminine energy… 

And the work...


50% Complete (You're already halfway there!)

Want to ditch rushing, cycle pain, and burnout?

Get my Womb-Space Clearing Meditation + Elixir
eCookbook Bundle! 

Exquisite nutrition and emotional womb release tools are your foundation of building luscious vitality into overflow.