Unveil Your Power of Divine Feminine Leadership

with 5 Divine Feminine Gifts you must embody to become the leader
who receives, sustains and overflows.

August 7-8, 2024


Join our free community event- the biggest online
Abundance Activation of the year of leaders!


Unveil Your Power of Divine Feminine Leadership

with 5 Divine Feminine Gifts you must embody to become the leader who receives, sustains and impacts.

August 7-8, 2024 

Join our free community event- the biggest online Abundance Activation of the year of leaders!



Abundance is your birthright, and the more you're aligned with your mission and actions, you experience ease.

Leaders who cultivate abundance are ones who hold inner energetics that allow one to receive and sustain. From this baseline, then you can overflow and make a bigger impact.

Abundance is your birthright, and the more aligned with your mission and your action, experience ease.

Leaders who cultivate abundance are ones who hold inner energetics that allow one to receive and sustain.

 You hold space...

You market and launch...

But you become polarized in your masculine energy...

to the point your abundance becomes the end goal...

your creations no longer flourish from your soft, feminine heart. ♡

or you become excited initially about your launch.. but lose momentum

You've developed challenges with coping patterns: emotionally eating, coffee, even medicine ceremony, after medicine ceremony....

Feeling alone in your process, wishing you had a network around you who gets the path you're on.

You might even have hormonal challenges and feel so much pain during your period but it's hard to stop your schedule….

Deep ritual is calling you. The way of devotion from your embodied feminine heart, becomes the nectar dripping into the way everything in your life is created.

Receptivity is summoning you, to become the oracle channel from a power greater than your drive.

You want more abundance?

Delicious connection to your body and creative ideas flowing?

Filled out workshops, serving in a way that feels fulfilled?

Abundant leaders are ones that can hold and sustain a greater energetic field.

Your new model for entrepreneurship:

 receive, sustain and overflow

 You hold space...

You market and launch...

But you become polarized in your masculine...

to the point your abundance becomes the end goal...

your creations no longer flourish from your soft, feminine heart. ♡

You've developed challenges with coping patterns: emotionally eating, coffee, even medicine ceremony, after medicine ceremony....

Feeling alone in your process, wishing you had a network around you who gets the path you're on.

You might even feel so much pain during your period and it's hard to stop your schedule….

Or exhaustion….

Deep ritual is calling you. The way of devotion from your embodied feminine heart, becomes the nectar dripping into the way everything in your life is created.

Receptivity is summoning you, to become the oracle channel from a power greater than your drive.

You want more abundance?

Delicious connection to your body and creative ideas flowing?

Filled out workshops,  serving in a way that feels fulfilled?

Abundant leaders are ones that can hold and sustain a greater energetic field.







I invite you to join...

A free two day online event during the Lion's Gate Portal 

(1 hour, daily abundance activation) 

August 7th,  10:30am PT /1:30pm EST

August 8th,  
4:30pm PT / 7:30pm EST


+ Private Ecstatic Abundance Movement Workshop

August 7th, 12pm PT / 3pm EST
*available to privately register with purchasing lifetime access to the replays

I invite you to join...

A free two day online event on Lion's Gate Portal 

(1 hour, daily abundance activation) 

August 7th, 10:30am PT

August 8th, 4:30pm PT


This Activation comes at an auspicious time known as the Lion's Gate Portal.

Sirius, known as the "feminine sun" is more aligned with Earth during Leo Season, which opens up a portal with higher light frequencies available. 8 is the number of abundance + Leo is symbolized by the lion: activating courage + power.

How does this energy affect you?

  • Initiate deeper into leadership
  • Own your personal power
  • Expand your wealth consciousness and abundance receptivity
  • Clear your womb-trauma + creative stagnation with goddess Sekhmet (the lioness Egyptian goddess associated with the Lion's Date Portal)
  • Embody deep union with the harmony of your creation energy of masculine & feminine
  • Expand your capacity to hold greater space as a leader


This 2-Day Activation invites you to calibrate to these higher frequencies offered in this portal with feminine ritual.


In this two day Abundance Activation event, you will receive interviews from leaders, entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, artists and authors to enhance your prosperity consciousness.

I will tell the mythos of 4 incredible stories of divine feminine leadership from ancient civilizations.

I spent the month of July on a Priestess Pilgrimage, uncovering the truth of feminine empowerment. I prayed in the sacred temples and caves, bathed in the holy spring water, received initiations from mentors safe-keeping the lineages and I’m going to share with you 4 incredible stories to activate your feminine leadership:

  1. The True Story of Mary Magdalene and the Lineage of Love

  2. The Eleusinian Mysteries in Ancient Greece- Demeter + Persephone

  3. Oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece

  4. Story of Sekhmet in Egypt as Guardian of the Wombs

How does this energy affect you?

  • Initiate deeper into leadership
  • Own your personal power
  • Expand your wealth consciousness and abundance receptivity
  • Clear your womb-space with goddess Sekhmet
  • Embody deep union in relationship to your own polarities: masc + fem, blood + amrita, release + rebirth
  • Expand your capacity to hold greater space 


This 2-Day Activation invites you to calibrate to these higher frequencies with feminine ritual.



Heather Christie

mama, DJ, music artist, and mentor

"Awaken Ecstatic Abundance: through trance states of movement"

Michael Love Armstrong

Soul Purpose Coach, 1 mil on Tik Tok

"The Secrets to going Viral and Amplifying Your impact"

Kenya Wright

Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Ritual Facilitator

"The Abundance of Belief."

Meaghan Rosalie

Divine Feminine Leader & Healer

"Relax into Ease & Receive”

Aletheia Pistis Sophia

Author, Mystic, Somatic Practitioner

"Courage to Live your Purpose in alignment with the Magdalene Lineage of Love."

You hold the keys of feminine empowerment within you...

Let's explore together!






You hold the keys of feminine empowerment withiin you... 

Let's explore together!






Opulent Overflow:

Unveil Your Power of Divine Feminine Leadership

with 5 Divine Feminine Gifts you must embody to become the leader who receives, sustains and overflows.

About the Host: 

My name is Priestess Numana, aka Allie McFee. I am in service to liberating feminine creation power. I stand for the Lineage of Love and I believe every woman is a leader with divine gifts for co-creating this world of abundance, beauty, and wellness. I have been serving the feminine since 2015, and I am Womb Priestess, Certified Women’s Health & Nutrition Coach, Tantric Practitioner, Red Tent Facilitator, Sonic Doula with Somatic Trauma Informed Training. I have led thousands of women with my Somatic Womb Clearing Method & rituals that support the liberation of PMS, menstrual health challenges and feminine creativity.

About the Host: 

My name is Priestess Numana, aka Allie McFee. I am in service to liberating feminine creation power. I stand for the Lineage of Love and I believe every woman is a leader with divine gifts for co-creating this world of abundance, beauty, and wellness. I have been serving the feminine since 2015, and I am Womb Priestess, Certified Women’s Health & Nutrition Coach, Tantric Practitioner, Red Tent Facilitator, Sonic Doula with Somatic Trauma Informed Training. I have led thousands of women with my Somatic Womb Clearing Method & rituals that support the liberation of PMS, menstrual health challenges and feminine creativity.