Tap into your infinite reservoir of creativity.
Monthly membership to turn on your juiciest overflow and amplify your impact.
I'm Ready
Monthly membership to tap into your infinite reservoir of creativity, turn on your juiciest overflow and amplify your impact.
I'm Ready

Your Embodiment of Overflow Starts Now.



And the modern demands of society that enforce rushing, overwhelm, and exhaustion are something you no longer can subscribe to…

You are recognizing that you get to deeply receive in the giving, which expands your capacity to give more because you have overflow. 

You're learning how to center your intuition as the leading voice, instead of being pulled into external demands that drain your juice.

You yearn to embody a lifestyle of flow in the pulse of your womb’s natural divine feminine rhythm.

You’re becoming a pioneer for legacy (which ripples out to your family, community and larger world), by discerning what fills your sacred time to have space to gestate your inherited gifts.

You’re ready for your life to be lived as a ceremony.

You’re realizing that you do not have to be on a perpetual healing cycle of cathartic trauma release, that healing through pleasure, joy and celebration are options to expand you.

You’re longing for a soul community that feels like family who you can be the real you with.

You desire to live unapologetically, with freedom in your expression.

And you are done standing on the sidelines watching others shine, continuing to dim your own magic by staying small

Well   guess   what? 

The world LONGS for the fullness of you, in your femininity, communing deep with your womb wisdom.

Your Embodiment   of Overflow Starts Now.


And the modern demands of society that enforce rushing, overwhelm, and exhaustion are something you no longer can subscribe to…

You are recognizing that you get to deeply receive in the giving, which expands your capacity to give more because you have overflow. 

You're learning how to center your intuition as the leading voice, instead of being pulled into external demands that drain your juice.

You yearn to embody a lifestyle of flow in the pulse of your womb’s natural divine feminine rhythm.

You’re becoming a pioneer for legacy (which ripples out to your family, community and larger world), by discerning what fills your sacred time to have space to gestate your inherited gifts.

You’re ready for your life to be lived as a ceremony.

You’re realizing that you do not have to be on a perpetual healing cycle of cathartic trauma release, that healing through pleasure, joy and celebration are options to expand you.

You’re longing for a soul community that feels like family who you can be the real you with.

You desire to live unapologetically, with freedom in your expression.

And you are done standing on the sidelines watching others shine, continuing to dim your own magic by staying small

Well   guess   what? 

The world LONGS for the fullness of you, in your femininity, communing deep with your womb wisdom.

It's Time to Drink  in the Deliciousness of Your Essence and Overflow Out To The World.

This is not another “HOW TO”… this is an immersive remembrance, of the ancient depth of your power – that lives within your womb, body and soul.

It's Time to Drink  in the Deliciousness of Your Own Essence and Overflow Out To    The World.

This is not another “HOW TO”… this is an immersive remembrance, of the ancient depth of your power – that lives within your womb, body and soul.

Real Talk...

For as long as I can remember, my patterns with giving in work, learning or leadership always involved prioritizing service to others, at the expense of my own needs.

Here was my reality: 2 week long periods, working eighty hours a week, managing a team… you bet I was exhausted! On top of that, I was battling with an eating disorder and ending the engagement of my long-term relationship.

Yeah, life at 27 was rock bottom…. But I’ve come to learn, the deepest contraction is an opportunity for new wisdom and new life to emerge. This life chapter gave me a profound gift: I discovered and embodied my feminine essence. 

After immersing myself in holistic healing methods which balanced my hormones without pharmaceuticals, I started my women’s health educator coaching practice.

Yet, even though I now had the liberty to create my own work schedule... I found myself soon trapped again in the paradigm of rushing and burning out.

I dove deeper and tapped into my womb’s blueprint of creation. I drank in my own essence, immersing myself in sacred feminine ancient rituals and my own developed monthly Womb Clearing Method™. 

My whole world shifted… my work created a larger impact, serving women’s retreats globally and speaking opportunities online and traveling to events and  festivals. I became the first woman in my lineage to be an entrepreneur full time, and teach about taboo subjects: sexuality, femininity and holistic hormonal health practices. People always commented on my contagious JOY, which was a frequency I emanated.

What  Changed?

Real Talk...

For as long as I can remember, my patterns with giving in work, learning or leadership always involved prioritizing service to others, at the expense of my own needs.

Here was my reality: 2 week long periods, working eighty hours a week, managing a team… you bet I was exhausted! On top of that, I was battling with an eating disorder and ending the engagement of my long-term relationship.

Yeah, life at 27 was rock bottom…. But I’ve come to learn, the deepest contraction is an opportunity for new wisdom and new life to emerge. This life chapter gave me a profound gift: I discovered and embodied my feminine essence. 

After immersing myself in holistic healing methods which balanced my hormones without pharmaceuticals, I started my women’s health educator coaching practice.

Yet, even though I now had the liberty to create my own work schedule... I found myself soon trapped again in the paradigm of rushing and burning out.

I dove deeper and tapped into my womb’s blueprint of creation. I drank in my own essence, immersing myself in sacred feminine ancient rituals and my own developed monthly Womb Clearing Method™. 

My whole world shifted… my work created a larger impact, serving women’s retreats globally and speaking opportunities online and traveling to events and  festivals. I became the first woman in my lineage to be an entrepreneur full time, and teach about taboo subjects: sexuality, femininity and holistic hormonal health practices. People always commented on my contagious JOY, which was a frequency I emanated.

What  Changed?

I realized I couldn't just change what my external structures looked like… something so deep within me was ready to flow freely.


And I was ready to tap into my Wellspring.

I realized I couldn't just change what my external structures looked like… something so deep within me was ready to flow freely.

 And I was ready to tap into my Wellspring.

TRUE LIBERATION from draining patterns looks like:

Awareness of shameful beliefs around womanhood inherited by society living a new narrative of empowered womanhood. 

A nervous system that has rewired its relationship to fear and scarcity, and has the capacity to hold and receive more.

Deeply rooted in the center of your intuition, guiding the pulse of your desires expressed.

The courage to say "No." (it's a complete sentence).

A deep intimacy with your body, womb and yoni.

Moving in rhythm with your cycle and nature and in life's transitions with emotional expression.

Freedom to move your body, creativity flowing with joy + friendships that MEET you.

When you unsubscribe to the noise of the external, and align with your deepest internal knowing, you embody more vitality and power as a WOMAN who creates and leads her life.


You become the woman who overflows into her community, work and purpose, family, and so much more. And you retain that juice, a reservoir of sustaining nourishment that overflows in the way you give.

May your cup be overflowing, always. 

TRUE LIBERATION from draining patterns looks like:

Awareness of shameful beliefs around womanhood inherited by society living a new narrative of empowered womanhood. 

A nervous system that has rewired its relationship to fear and scarcity, and has the capacity to hold and receive more.

Deeply rooted in the center of your intuition, guiding the pulse of your desires expressed.

The courage to say "No." (it's a complete sentence).

A deep intimacy with your body, womb and yoni.

Moving in rhythm with your cycle and nature and in life's transitions with emotional expression.

Freedom to move your body, creativity flowing with joy + friendships that MEET you.
When you unsubscribe to the noise of the external, and align with your deepest internal knowing, you embody more   vitality and power as a WOMAN who creates and leads her life.


You become the woman who overflows into her community, work and purpose, family, and so much more. And you retain that juice, a reservoir of sustaining nourishment that overflows in the way you give.

May your cup be overflowing, always. 

OOF… yet this life lesson emerged again...



During the gripling halt from a global pandemic, my mom announced stage 4 cancer.

In shock, I contracted, stopped my rituals, put my stuff in storage and stayed with her during her recovery. The fear of losing her was so strong, my nervous system coped with martyrdom patterns once more, as I worked overtime showing up for my clients full time online while supporting my grandparents during her surgery.

Again, contractions are an invitation.

My mom’s near death experience (she lived, hallelujah!) brought me to a place so deep within myself, stripped raw into the sacred nakedness of being a messy human.

It was there… that I found a rare gem: the acceptance that I am not perfect, I am human. And what I can be is authentic.

I discovered that self-sacrificing my health out of "love" for others... was something I had seen women in my l lineage do... and so I learned to prioritize my energy, and work through all the beliefs of guilt that caused over-doing. 

My coaching practice deepened, with trauma-informed methods within my rituals, and my spaces welcomed the digestion of grief in life’s transitions.

I received messages from clients like this: “Your capacity is boundless: the way you show up in integrity and in your fullness to give from a bottomless reservoir and you do so because you have unlocked those codes within you of juicy overflow.”

Life continues to initiate me and I allow this to refine the level of authenticity I embody into the way I space-held in my containers. 

OOF… yet this life lesson emerged again... 


During the gripling halt from a global pandemic, my mom announced stage 4 cancer.

In shock, I contracted, stopped my rituals, put my stuff in storage and stayed with her during her recovery. The fear of losing her was so strong, my nervous system coped with martyrdom patterns once more, as I worked overtime showing up for my clients full time online while supporting my grandparents during her surgery.

Again, contractions are an invitation.

My mom’s near death experience (she lived, hallelujah!) brought me to a place so deep within myself, stripped raw into the sacred nakedness of being a messy human.

It was there… that I found a rare gem: the acceptance that I am not perfect, I am human. And what I can be is authentic. 

My coaching practice deepened, with trauma-informed methods within my rituals, and my spaces welcomed the digestion of grief in life’s transitions.

Life continues to initiate me and I allow this to refine the level of authenticity I embody into the way I space-held in my containers. 

Hear from our Members:


“I’ve invested a lot of money and I have been in a lot of groups, but this is different. It’s so authentic here and it’s so refreshing. We truly are the wave-makers, and when I look at this community, you are the type of people I want to be 'people-ing' with. Thank you Allie-Numana for the level of integrity and space you’ve held for us- it’s so refreshing and authentic here. You being so embodied in your power, the quality and level of woman that is attracted to your work is unlike any other course that I’ve done.”

-Sam Smith

“Through our sacred womb clearing ritual, I released a blockage on my left side that had been intermittently creating significant physical discomfort for the past 3-4 years. It was an extraordinary experience to feel it release, and so utterly empowering to witness it not return. It was an unexpected gift of my divine energy reorganizing itself within me while being held by the sacred container of love, song, compassion and the inimitable strength of the divine feminine that Numana-Allie emanates with such beautiful power, wisdom, and grace. Growth is experienced in the wilderness of the unknown…the space that catches our breath.” 


-Vicki Mack, Energy Healer, Oracle Readings

“I am in celebration of my womanhood, my periods, my breasts, my pussy and everything! I have never cared as much about my physical body as much as I do now.”

Also, I am in touch with my feminine intuition and energy. I am trusting myself like never before. I am not being indecisive with things."

~Zalika Thompson



You’re not alone. This is your space where you can take a deep breath and be held no matter if your juice is showing up as grieving or gushing.

Because in those raw moments, you get to be held, too.

This is for OUR Womanhood. This is for US, where WE gather.


I'm Ready

Hear from our Members:

“Thank you Numana for the level of integrity and space you’ve held for- it’s so refreshing and authentic here. You being so embodied in your power, the quality and level of woman that is attracted to your work is unlike any other course that I’ve done.”

-Sam Smith

“Through our sacred womb clearing ritual, I released a blockage on my left side that had been intermittently creating significant physical discomfort for the past 3-4 years. It was an extraordinary experience to feel it release, and so utterly empowering to witness it not return. It was an unexpected gift of my divine energy reorganizing itself within me while being held by the sacred container of love, song, compassion and the inimitable strength of the divine feminine that Numana-Allie emanates with such beautiful power, wisdom, and grace. Growth is experienced in the wilderness of the unknown…the space that catches our breath.” 


-Vicki Mack, Energy Healer, Oracle Readings

“I am in celebration of my womanhood, my periods, my breasts, my womb and everything! I have never cared as much about my physical body as much as I do now.”

Also, I am in touch with my feminine intuition and energy. I am trusting myself like never before. I am not being indecisive with things."

~Zalika Thompson


You’re not alone. This is your space where you can take a deep breath and be held no matter if your juice is showing up as grieving or gushing.

Because in those raw moments, you get to be held, too.

I'm Ready

Our Mission:


We unite the web of our wombs, harnessing our creative overflow to transcend our paradigm of disconnect, depletion and burnout.

If you rush through your to-do list, overwhelmed + making people pleasing decisions… you are LEAKING precious time & life-force required to fulfill your potential as a sacred feminine leader.

When you say YES to this Collective, you have accountability and a recharging station.

Juicy Woman Collective is a sanctuary for ambitious women, power houses, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, wellness mommas and spiritual go-getters who are devoted to shaping the new paradigm of modern culture from the drained over-giving woman, to a resourced woman, pouring from a juicy overflowing cup.

This starts with YOU... and it passes on to them.

WE were always meant to share our Womanhood.

You are the vessel, a reservoir of infinite source potential. And it’s time to drink your essence fully in…and embody your fullest expression.

No more self sacrificing… enter into our new paradigm….


Our Mission:


We unite the web of our wombs, harnessing our creative overflow to transcend our paradigm of disconnect, depletion and burnout.

If you rush through your to-do list, overwhelmed + making people pleasing decisions… you are LEAKING precious time & life-force required to fulfill your potential as a sacred feminine leader.

When you say yes to this Collective, you have accountability and a recharging station.

Juicy Woman Collective is a sanctuary for ambitious women, power houses, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, wellness mamas and spiritual go-getters who are devoted to shaping the new paradigm of modern culture from the drained overgiving woman, to a resourced woman, pouring from a juicy overflowing cup.

You are the vessel, a reservoir of infinite source potential. And it’s time to drink your essence fully in…and give from overflow.

No more self sacrificing… enter into our new paradigm….


  Your Membership Experience Holds the Frequency of a MODERN TEMPLE.

 It’s an online space that offers rich immersive womb healing and feminine embodiment rituals in rhythm with the moon phases.. 

…because deep change doesn’t happen from the mental, it happens in your body and through the portal that is your womb.

T A K E  A  L O O K 
I N S I D E  T H E  
C O L L E C T I V E  
  Your Membership Experience Holds the Frequency of a MODERN TEMPLE.

 It’s an online space that offers rich immersive womb healing and feminine embodiment rituals in rhythm with the moon phases.. 

…because deep change doesn’t happen from the mental, it happens in your body and through the portal that is your womb.


The Energy of Your Overflow  

 FILL your Floodgates

Listen to your womb’s wisdom and cultivate a deep relationship with your inner guidance: know your YES and prioritize it, cultivate the discernment to say NO to unaligned experiences that would otherwise drain you. We celebrate your standards.

STRENGTHEN your Stream

The experience of being a part of a soul community that feels like a family who inspires you and you can be real with, is an invaluable support. Those in the membership are not just a number, but become a living frequency adding to the collective creative energy of our womb web. You’ll network and meet colleagues, friends, and guides. “The relationships are worth their weight in gold,” said a member of the JFL Community. We are the modern village: we do not compete, we inspire, call forward and celebrate each other. Our members are all ages in adulthood, representing all stages of womanhood.

RETAIN your Reserves

The experience of being a part of a soul community that feels like a family who inspires you and you can be real with, is an invaluable support. Those in the membership are not just a number, but become a living frequency adding to the collective creative energy of our womb web. You’ll network and meet colleagues, friends, and guides. “The relationships are worth their weight in gold,” said a member of the JFL Community. We are the modern village: we do not compete, we inspire, call forward and celebrate each other. Our members are all ages in adulthood, representing all stages of womanhood.

PURIFY your Juice Eb & Flow

Move within alignment of your own inner rhythm, awaken your creative currents, and move with phases of the moon, seasonal shifts and your emotional tides. Your emotions are energy in motion and our guided emotional alchemy tools, you will regenerate and circulate juicy life-force. Be supported with your own transitions and embrace your ebbs and flows. This enhances your capacity to experience yourself in the full spectrum of feelings.

SUSTAIN your Flow

Enhance your receptivity within your body as a temple, turn on your senses, and awaken your capacity to be in pleasure and open to more abundance. When you are embodied in your giving, you also receive.

T H E   M E T H O D

The Energy of Your Overflow  

FILL your Floodgates

Listen to your womb’s wisdom and cultivate a deep relationship with your inner guidance: know your YES and prioritize them, cultivate the discernment to say NO to unaligned experiences that would otherwise drain you. We celebrate your standards.

STRENGTHEN your Stream

The experience of being a part of a soul community that feels like a family who inspires you and you can be real with, is an invaluable support. Those in the membership are not just a number, but become a living frequency adding to the collective creative energy of our womb web. You’ll network and meet colleagues, friends, and guides. “The relationships are worth their weight in gold,” said a member of the JFL Community. We are the modern village: we do not compete, we inspire, call forward and celebrate each other. Our members are all ages in adulthood, representing all stages of womanhood.

RETAIN your Reserves

The experience of being a part of a soul community that feels like a family who inspires you and you can be real with, is an invaluable support. Those in the membership are not just a number, but become a living frequency adding to the collective creative energy of our womb web. You’ll network and meet colleagues, friends, and guides. “The relationships are worth their weight in gold,” said a member of the JFL Community. We are the modern village: we do not compete, we inspire, call forward and celebrate each other. Our members are all ages in adulthood, representing all stages of womanhood.

PURIFY your Juice Eb & Flow

Move within alignment of your own inner rhythm, awaken your creative current, and move with phases of the moon, seasonal shifts and your emotional tides. Your emotions are energy in motion and our guided emotional alchemy tools, you will regenerate and circulate juicy lifeforce. Be supported with your own transitions and embrace your ebbs and flows. This enhances your capacity to experience yourself in the full spectrum of feelings.

SUSTAIN your Flow

Enhance your receptivity within your body as a temple, turn on your senses, and awaken your capacity to be in pleasure and open to more abundance. When you are embodied in your giving, you also receive.

Heart Gush from women 

"I have more confidence to speak up at work when I need time off, make space to love myself, and also to communicate more fluidly with my partner with mutual respect, as I have always been afraid of confrontation.

I've shifted into a better version of myself... for the longest time, I was feeling dull from trauma and blockages and I knew the vibrancy within myself was buried. Now I choose to self-care daily, not waiting until the weekends.

- Juanita Morten,

Massage Therapist

"l feel so ALIVE, so full of ENERGY, so TURNED ON with life!”

- Haley,

Mom, and Ceremonialist at Infinity Weaver

“I feel much more embodied in my truth as I work towards building a heart-centered business without strain. I wanted to feel more empowered to make bold moves in my life and career without feeling burned out.”

- Beka Bright,

Ayurveda Teacher

Heart Gush from Past Members

"I have more confidence to speak up at work when I need time off, make space to love myself, and also to communicate more fluidly with my partner with mutual respect, as I have always been afraid of confrontation.

I've shifted into a better version of myself... for the longest time, I was feeling dull from trauma and blockages and I knew the vibrancy within myself was buried. Now I choose to self-care daily, not waiting until the weekends.

- Juanita Morten,

Massage Therapist

"l feel so ALIVE, so full of ENERGY, so TURNED ON with life!”

- Haley,

Mom, and Ceremonialist at Infinity Weaver

“I feel much more embodied in my truth as I work towards building a heart-centered business without strain. I wanted to feel more empowered to make bold moves in my life and career without feeling burned out.”

- Beka Bright,

Ayurveda Teacher

Your journey can be with ease. 

A juicy life happens as a natural byproduct when you activate a deep connection with your womb (womb-space if you’ve had a hysterectomy). You become the vessel and life-force energy moving through you, overflowing.
If you have experienced challenges with self expression or accessing your emotions, don’t worry, we move through these rituals as a collective, which inspires a culture of feminine flow: transforming, activating and aligning, together. This is your WEB, uniting womb creation energy.

You also can go at your own pace with the replays, and open to your deepest expression within the bloom of your divine timing.

A web that HOLDS YOU.
A web that inspires you with SHAKTI pulsing through our community connections.
A web that you build for you life, by nourishing yourself.


Make your life a sacred ritual and experience magic in the everyday mundane.


Womb Clearing Ceremony

Full Moon Release Ceremony with my Womb Clearing Method™ to clear womb blocks deriving from challenges like feminine repression, womb losses, past lovers, ancestral wounds, and move stagnant energy by activating your full sensual expression and magnetism. Prepare for the deepest shifts that will restore your energy. (value $333)

Womb Clearing Method™ is an energy healing ceremony in sisterhood involving somatic and embodiment practices to awaken your creative feminine energy and emotionally release any lingering trauma contributing to issues like PMS, irregular cycles and more. Enhance your sensuality, embody your wild woman, and activate life-force energy that exists within your sacral chakra.

Body Abundance Rituals

Access to New Moon Abundance Ritual to create intentions in sisterhood for manifestation with sensual rituals that enhance pleasure, training your nervous system to enhance its capacity to receive and hold more prosperity- Ritual examples are breast massage, yoni steaming, yoni egg practice, womb breathing + ritual meals. (value $333)

Womb Lounge Private Community

your community hangout forum- your space to network, share stories and celebrate each other. Share your story and read and comment on others stories and questions. (value of your sisterhood- $222)

Access to a Vault of Workshops & Trainings

Workshops include Womb Wealth Activations, Feminine in Business Mastermind Calls, Cycle Syncing + more-  workshop with visualization and meditation to expand your perception of awareness of what you are capable of receiving. Shed scarcity mindset and unlock more energy, vision and inspiration.. (value $444) 

Womb Nourishing Recipes

Receive hormone balancing recipes for all phases of womanhood, that will inspire you to get juicy in the kitchen and nourish your body with nutrition. Learn how to eat for your 4 hormonal shifts. (value $47)

Total Value: $1333 per month

Your Price: $77/m

One Womb Healing 1-1 session is typically $333- you're getting x17 the value plus a sisterhood for accountability!


 GET ACCESS to the Juicy Woman Overflow Blueprint


This is a step by step mini course that invites you to become the artist of your life. Creating a life of beauty, ritual, and magic. This is a self study course including:
+7 Pillars to Unlock more Abundance, while living on Purpose
+Holistic Hormonal Balance education for menstruation, perimenopause, and menopause
+Ceremonial Lifestyle Routine

Options to Pay

Total Value: $1333 per month

Your Price: $77/m

$77 Monthly

Cancel anytime, or stick with our sisterhood

  • 1x LIVE Community Ceremony (90-120 mins)
  • Vault of Womb Clearing Ceremonies with Priestess Numana-Allie or trained Womb Priestess
  • Body Abundance Rituals to awaken abundance within you 
  • Access to the Community Network Chat called "the Womb Lounge." This is your sisterhood community hangout- your space to network, share stories and celebrate each other
  • Vault of Mastermind Prosperity Mindset Calls, Womb Wealth Rituals & Womb Health Cookbooks, etc

Heart Gush from Our Community

"Leaders get to be held, too! We get to be rested and rich. It feels heavenly to be on the receiving end of these rituals versus always being the one leading. I feel held by this powerful and nourishing energetic community field each week, and also feel seen and supported as I move through huge personal shifts spiritually... I have RECEIVED so much SUPPORT from the SISTERHOOD!"

Astraya Harries

“Playing and pleasuring our way into deeper self love, embodiment and abundance while forming deep sisterhood bonds... it doesn't get much better than that! This space is absolutely transformational. Numana- Allie has designed a program that is not only incredibly informative and leading edge but also SO FUN and nourishing! I highly recommend this program to any and all womxn ready to connect to the pleasure that is their birthright and return home to their divinely feminine nature."

-Kelsey Johnson

"I now feel so clear on my sacred NO…. and boundaries were such a hard thing for me.. now looking at where my life is now, I just know it’s going to keep changing, with this wisdom."

-Kirsten Little


You unite as part of a living web of womb creation energy. Everyone’s energy whether you participate in the LIVE calls or watch the replays adds to this Collective energy, co-creating it as a modern temple. You are sovereign in your co-creation of this experience, as we provide the outline and you flow within your instinctual feminine guidance.

We understand that you have a full life with your work and family. Many of you are business owners, mothers, caregivers, etc and therefore this Membership serves varying learning styles and schedule needs.

You can hop on to all the LIVE calls, or watch the replays at your own pace, and watch the vault videos on your daily walk, pushing your baby in the stroller.

Basically, there’s no “right way”- it’s YOUR WAY- this membership is meant to be part of your FLOW.

If life gets full and you need time away, know this space will be here for you to jump back at any moment and juice your vessel up. 

It’s your sacred space to fill your cup up - your way.
We’re a community womb web made of business owners, community leaders, mommas, yoga instructors, healers, womb healers, women in corporate all on a divine feminine empowerment journey. 
  • You are ready to EMBODY your POWER as a woman who creates and leads her life
  • Weave the sacred into your modern day
  • See yourself RETAINING YOUR JUICE, your wellspring is never dry and overflows
  • Rise in your career, rooted and embodied without sacrificing your juice in the grind
  • Unlock more vital energy by moving within rhythm of your seasonal shifts within your womb’s cycle and stages of womanhood
  • Be a pillar in an aligned community who gets you and you feel inspired by and have monthly accountability
  • Redesign your lifestyle aligned in your feminine flow and ENRICH your current practices with deep womb wisdom
  • Naturally balance your hormonal challenges like menstrual irregularities, PMS, and menopausal shifts
  • Extract the nectar of your hardships, recycling pain into wisdom that empowers the creation of your life and legacy
  • Embrace your Wild Woman and free your sensual ecstatic embodiment- this is your sacred space to be ALL of YOU- to laugh, dance, cry, howl…
A Space of Inclusivity
In our Collective we are in service to the divine feminine, and therefore inclusive to anyone who identifies as woman, and whether your physical womb is present or you have an energetic womb space. This is also a space for you if you have full or partial hysterectomy- as your connection to your womb-space is an energetic and spiritual relationship to maintain for your creative vitality throughout your life. This is a multi-cultural space of all adult ages. A true representation of a village, as women learn most when in diverse spaces.

Note: we are in service to support WOC who have endured womb trauma within your ancestral lineage through the erasure of culture. We have special support within the Womb Lounge just for you.

Enroll Now


a true community of Soul Family, weaving in wisdom from different cultural backgrounds and life stages of womanhood. Everything that is activating here in your membership serves as a living prayer, overflowing out to the world.


It’s an honor to have you join our temple

Enter the Collective
M E E T   T H E   F O U N D E R
Called a “Spiritual Cheerleader”
who feels like a warm hug  
& Globally known as a Womb Healer, Women’s Health Educator and Lifestyle Coach, Priestess


Numana Joy aka Allie McFee is the founder of The Womb Healing Practitioner Training through Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy™ an immersive Womb Healing and business training for spiritual, female entrepreneurs.

Numana has thousands of hours trained in somatic trauma informed space-holding, women’s leadership, womb healing rituals and natural hormone balance methods. To name a few of her trainings, she is certified in Women’s Health and Nutrition Coaching, Integrative Trauma Informed Space-holding, Tantric Practices, Hormone Balance Cooking, Priestess and Shamanic Minister Ordination, Red Tent Facilitation and as a Doula.

Numana-Allie wants every woman to know that if they are dimming back their full expression, it’s time to own your full power and create a lifestyle you would be proud your descendants knew about. You can do this through accessing the creation power that exists within your womb-space.

Intuition has been my guidepost ever since I started listening to my womb. I had been taking the birth control contraceptive and reading the book "The Red Tent," when suddenly I felt my womb pulse and I recognized its power. I discontinued the pill and after years of hormonal irregularity, my cycle finally restored. During my womb-healing journey, I was meditating in Bali, Indonesia, and I felt my womb pulse again… also with a voice that said: “you will offer Intuitive Womb Healing sessions.” I did not know what that meant at the time in the Spring of 2016… but now 8 years later, I have offered womb healing sessions for thousands of women around the world and certify healers in my Womb Healing Practitioner Training through JFL Academy.

What is the Womb Clearing Method ™

Womb Clearing Method™ is an energy healing ceremony in sisterhood involving somatic and embodiment practices to awaken your creative feminine energy and emotionally release any lingering trauma contributing to issues like PMS, irregular cycles and more. Enhance your sensuality, embody your wild woman, and activate life-force energy that exists within your sacral chakra.


Numana-Allie channeled this practice in her women’s ceremonies on Kauai and further developed the method while serving festivals, retreats and workshops around the globe.



By the Way...

A percentage of all proceeds from this course will be donated to the ZanaAfrica Foundation or another local non-profit to help women in need receive menstrual health education, sanitary napkins, and help continuing their education!