Liberate your divine feminine creation energy to serve your purpose with ease and amplify your income & impact with radiant vitality.

I'm Ready
Join JFL Academy

The World Needs Feminine Leaders Unafraid to Step UP to their Sacred Calling.


Our world operates in a go-go-go hustle, but there’s a better way to manifest your dreams. Becoming a Juicy Feminine Leader gives you the tools to:

  • Create big impact in the world aligned with your purpose + be supported in a sisterhood that inspires your highest thrive

  • Align with your cycle to birth your dreams the feminine way- no forcing!!

  • Confidently hold greater space for you community and clients

  • Liberate from blocks from cultural, ancestral and/or religious shame + feminine repression

  • Burn up the limiting mindsets that keep you small and unworthy to step up and BE SEEN

  • Choose self-care rituals to increase your vitality to prevent burnout

  • Support your body-temple in its nutritional and hormonal needs

  • Free from womb trauma of grief, rage, guilt, and doubt that’s been blocking you

  • Fall in LOVE with your body and discover your delicious sensuality

  • Expand your capacity to serve as a leader in your community, online or in your business


Living your dream with a full schedule of clients has challenges: doubts, fear to be "seen" in your authentic self & lack of clarity, can sabotage your ability to confidently show up and spiral you into burnout + and staying small with unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Without a blueprint and guidance as to how to break-free and access your inner wisdom, it's easy to get stuck in paralyzing overwhelm and expensive treatments.









An intimate, high caliber cohort of heart-centered leaders, meeting once a week in ritual + masterminding to rise into leadership and live their purpose.

You get weekly LIVE calls AND recorded video- based trainings. See this as your transformational journey for you to embody radiant confidence, gain clarity and access heightened creativity to live your purpose and facilitate potent embodiment rituals in your workshops and 1-1 sessions.

In 12 Modules, we'll flow through 4 Main Pillars:

Your Body Temple

Your Ability to Be Present

Activate Your Goals & Dreams

Live Your Purpose

○ Cycle Syncing Rituals for Creatives + Business Owners

○ Hormone Balance + Nutrition

○ Nervous System Regulation

○ Create Healthy Boundaries

○ Womb & Yoni Trauma Clearing

○ Primal Embodiment: Somatic Tools to Move Energy

○ Embody Your Sexuality as Sacred

○ Sensual Embodiment

○ Sovereignty and Sacred Union of Masc + Fem Energy

○ Confidence + Full Expression in Service

○ Authentic Leadership

○ Embody Your Purpose + UpLevel Prosperity

Let's be real for a sec... 

Stepping forth as a leader and space-holder for your clients has challenges: overwhelm, burnout, comparison, fear of being “seen” as the true you which causes you to hide behind a mask, feeling doubt that you are “not enough” to help others, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Without a blueprint and guidance as to how to break-free and access your inner wisdom, you can get stuck in paralyzing overwhelm and expensive treatments. 

JFL is a transformational growth training to help you save years from blocking yourself with self-sabotaging patterns so you can show up BIG in your creative visions. 

A 3-month group cohort & interactive video-based training to support heart-centered women into Divine Feminine leadership and amplify their income & impact.

It’s a transformational journey with LIVE coaching, group accountability + Mastermind calls for you to embody radiant confidence, gain clarity and access heightened creativity and mastermind with other leaders to work through challenges in building your business, without compromising your health and radiance.

In 12 Modules, we'll flow through 4 Main Pillars:

Your Body Temple

○ Cycle Syncing

○ Hormone Balance

○ Nutrition/Self-Care

○ Womb & Yoni Connection

Your Ability to Be Present

○ Boundary Creation

○ Inner Child Healing 

○ Womb & Trauma Clearing

Activate Your Goals & Dreams

○ Sacred Sexuality 

○ Orgasmic Living

○ Sensual Embodiment

○ Sovereignty 

Living Your Purpose

○ Your Heart's Art Expressed in Service

○ Authentic Leadership

○ Embodied Dharma as a Creatrix 

Let's be real for a sec... 

Stepping forth as a leader has challenges: overwhelm, burnout, fear of being “seen” as the true you which causes you to hide behind a mask, feel doubt that you are “not enough” to help others,  and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Without a blueprint and guidance as to how to break-free and access your inner wisdom, you can get stuck in paralyzing overwhelm and expensive treatments. 

JFL is a transformational growth training to help you save years from blocking yourself with self-sabotaging patterns so you can show up BIG in your creative visions. 

Invoke your feminine magnetism! 

This course is true flow, alignment, and EASE, built to help you attract more of the same.

Because, babe - you’re here on earth to meet your FULL Potential!

The inner work doesn't need to be exhausting- your pleasure is your portal to accessing your greatness.

Whether you're brand new to entrepreneurship or have been along the path but feel stunted in your growth, this training will initiate yourself deeper intpo leader and expand your capacity to receive abundance and serve your mission.

I have helped thousands of women like YOU embody their inner Goddess Creatrix. 

You get to be in your body.
You get to connect with your womb wisdom.
You get to Feel to HEAL.
You get to show up as the raw, vulnerable you.
You lead the way by BEING in your creative expression.

Whether you want to self-heal, step forward as a leader, or take your existing work to the next level of your soul’s expression, JFL will help you:

  • Establish healthy boundaries to prevent burnout
  • Define your soul’s purpose
  • Increase your social impact 
  • Align with a life with abundance
  • Know and love yourself, radically
  • Nurture your goddess-body with exquisite meal plans and recipes & support your womb's cyclical hormonal shifts
  • Awaken your creativity and confidence

And you get to do this all through the feminine way - building a strong connection to your cycle and sense self, FEELing to HEAL, and birthing your dreams from juicy overflow in a community that sees and celebrates you!

When I started my biz as a certified women’s health and nutrition coach back in 2016 with just $400 to my name, I took on a lot, as I was excited to serve my dharma. Unconsciously, I identified as a martyr and rarely prioritized my own self-care. 

I burned out fast.

I leaned on sweets for energy, and I further shamed myself for my “uncontrollable” food choices.

My period lasted 2 heavy weeks. My yoni was dry from too much stress hormone and intimacy became a DUTY. 

But I kept going. Because I cared so much about helping womxn heal and I was on a mission.

After years of go-go-going and still little income, I gave up this insanity lifestyle and I married myself on the beach in Thailand, committing to loving myself in a different way.

I discovered the more I lived in authentic connection with my body, my womb, and my pleasure, the more my online programs and workshops filled. My clients had greater transformations because of the energy I brought to our sessions.

I became a voice that’s supported thousands of womxn to RECLAIM their POWER from shame, doubt and unworthiness. And I have created a 6-figure income business that I love where I feel creative, on purpose and FREE.

And I want YOU to learn my secrets to embodying this aliveness, too!

Because, babe - I believe in YOU. You can break FREE from these cages of smallness and show up BIG in your most juiciest goddess self, and lead the way for others to do so too! Let me show you how...

Take a moment to envision fully embodying yourself as a Juicy Feminine Leader.

Imagine feeling:

You don’t let fear, shame, or smallness stop you. You show up big from your heart and your clients experience powerful shifts because of the energy you bring!

You flow with your cycle’s rhythm and establish boundaries so you never feel burned out from grinding, pushing, hustling - you ALIGN.

You attract opportunities you desire like magic! Your inner vibration overflows with vitality from all the self-care and pleasure rituals, making your manifestation energy on point!

You know how to distinguish between what feels like a YES vs. a NO. You make quicker decisions, are paid what you’re worth, don’t take on stuff to people please, and you have more energy and time because of it!

You have a network of other strong feminine embodied leaders, you have a devotional daily practice of ritual that makes you feel good in your body, and you’re living the lifestyle you always dreamed up.

Your clients are having deeper transformations and your full bank account is a reminder that you are living your dharma. Abundance for ALL!

This isn’t just another course sitting in your inbox...

This is a LIVE intimate 3 Month Cohort involving a Leadership Initiation. It's an interactive, loving and transformational journey, where you get accountability and sisterhood with trainings based in science, business experience and spirituality to fully help you step into your leadership role.

Beginning Sept 12th, 2024

This training will give you the creativity, clarity, and confidence to break through blocks that keep you from being able to serve your purpose, and teaches you embodiment rituals to lead with your clients.

Optional Group Kauai Retreat can be aded on in your package- Nov 3-7, 2024.

Register Now

Your Juicy Curriculum

Enrollment now OPEN. Orientation begins Sept 12th.


Rena Yassiri

Ani Ferlise


“I deepened my relationships with clients, my girlfriends, my mother, my ancestry, and my lineage… I've healed so much and that itself is invaluable. 

I loved the sisterhood in this group. To feel the sense of unity and have support... I felt us goddesses rising, not in competition. lifting each other and holding space. I’m still in touch with the sisters from the course network."

"I now honor my yes’s and no’s because I can hear them…

My mind used to go a million miles per minute because the world is like 'hustle, hustle, hustle, go go go!'

Getting in tune with the pleasure rituals in this course was what allowed me to really tap into my body’s wisdom in a different way, by harnessing my creative energy with my sexual energy."

Kelly Mathews

Juanita Morton

Massage Therapist & Healer


"Just tuning into my body helped my business become successful!

I gained more energy and clarity to pour into my projects and to show up for people. My business became full of clients over just a few months.

Also, I realized I was relating to food in an unhealthy way. I turned to food to avoid my work projects, and to avoid becoming a successful woman. I actually used food to keep myself small! I learned how to truly nourish and connect with myself."

“I’ve gained that confidence I've been dreaming of!

I have more confidence to speak up at work when I need time off, make space to love myself, and also to communicate more fluidly with my partner with mutual respect, as I have always been afraid of confrontation.

I've shifted into a better version of myself... for the longest time, I was feeling dull from trauma and blockages and I knew the vibrancy within myself was buried. Now I choose to self-care daily, not waiting until the weekends and JFL gave me the support system, sisterhood and structure to do this!”

Rena Yassiri


“I deepened my relationships with clients, my girlfriends, my mother, my ancestry, and my lineage… I've healed so much and that itself is invaluable. 

I loved the sisterhood in this group. To feel the sense of unity and have support... I felt us goddesses rising, not in competition. lifting each other and holding space. I’m still in touch with the sisters from the course network."

Ani Ferlise


"I now honor my yes’s and no’s because I can hear them…

My mind used to go a million miles per minute because the world is like 'hustle, hustle, hustle, go go go!'

Getting in tune with the pleasure rituals in this course was what allowed me to really tap into my body’s wisdom in a different way, by harnessing my creative energy with my sexual energy."

Kelly Mathews


"Just tuning into my body helped my business become successful!

I gained more energy and clarity to pour into my projects and to show up for people. My business became full of clients over just a few months.

Also, I realized I was relating to food in an unhealthy way. I turned to food to avoid my work projects, and to avoid becoming a successful woman. I actually used food to keep myself small! I learned how to truly nourish and connect with myself."


Juanita Morton

Massage Therapist & Healer


“I’ve gained that confidence I've been dreaming of!

I have more confidence to speak up at work when I need time off, make space to love myself, and also to communicate more fluidly with my partner with mutual respect, as I have always been afraid of confrontation.

I've shifted into a better version of myself... for the longest time, I was feeling dull from trauma and blockages and I knew the vibrancy within myself was buried. Now I choose to self-care daily, not waiting until the weekends and JFL gave me the support system, sisterhood and structure to do this!”

So how exactly does it all work? 

The Trilogy of Sacral Energy is the basis of our course work:

  • Sexual Energy: Your ability to be in tune with your desires, give and receive pleasure, co-create with life, ecstatically FEEL
    with your 5 senses
  • Creative Energy: Your ability to see, feel, envision, and birth your ideas into the world
  • Fertile Energy: Your ability to conceive and grow a baby or idea and nurture it

Blocks that Prevent this Potent Energy from Flowing:

  • Shaming sexual self and desires
  • Inability to say “no”
  • Past trauma locked in sacral chakra
  • Unworthiness... feeling you are not enough
  • Doubt and guilt
  • Unexpressed emotions
  • Overdoing! Go-Go-GOING in your masculine expression 


What You Get:

(The methods you've been waiting for!) 

3 months inside Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy 

3 months inside LIVE coaching container+ Lifetime Access to trainings + replays. This is designed to help you embody your juicy feminine magnetism to break through blocks and show up as a strong space-holder for your soul’s purpose, work and community. 
We have an in-person Retreat on Kauai planned for you in November 3-7th, that you can add on in your package.

JFL Workbook & Training Certification*

A 90-page, full-color, in-depth workbook in PDF or print format, complete with guides, journal prompts, worksheets, and more. 

*Mailed certification for full Certification participants only

LIVE Weekly  Masterminds Calls + Pleasure Rituals led by Numana-Allie + Womb Priestess Mentors

We'll meet on Zoom LIVE each week to ensure everyone has a change to learn how to do the methods properly, and help increase accountability.

($12k Value) 

Weekly Methodology Videos

To help break down the complexities, science, and history of hormones, nutrition, womb healing and embodiment practices. Lifetime Access even when LIVE calls are completed. Bonus videos are always being updated to the online portal.

($3k Value) 

Access to the Private Juicy Feminine Leadership Whatsapp Community

Where you get access to your sisterhood for sharing breakthroughs, blocks, and questions.

PLUS: After completing the program, you'll receive access to the JFL Alumni Facebook group to increase your network of other women’s health professionals and space-holders.

($2.5k value) 

Join the JFL Retreat 

When you join either JFL Cohort, you have the invitation to add on the Retreat. Next Retreat is on Kauai November 3-7th (limited spots!) This is a life-changing experience with sacred rituals + celebration, leadership masterminding and sisterhood bonding for life-long lasting relationships!

What You Get:

(The methods you've been waiting for!) 

3 months inside Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy

Designed to help you embody your juicy feminine magnetism to break through blocks and show up as a strong space-holder for your soul’s purpose, work and community. 

($3,333 Value)

JFL Workbook 

A 90-page, full-color, in-depth workbook in PDF or print format, complete with guides, journal prompts, worksheets, and more. 

14 LIVE weekly Sisterhood Sessions + Pleasure Rituals led by Allie

We'll meet on Zoom LIVE each week to ensure everyone has a change to learn how to do the methods properly, and help increase accountability.

Each month will contains 2 calls:
2 Body Based Rituals
2 Masterminds + Business Training

($6,600 Value) 

Weekly Methodology Videos

To help break down the complexities, science, and history of hormones, nutrition, and embodiment practices.

($3,300 Value) 

Access to the Private  Sisterhood Whatsapp Group

Where you get access to your sisterhood for sharing breakthroughs, blocks, and questions.

PLUS: After completing the program, you'll receive access to the JFL Alumni Facebook group to increase your network of other women’s health professionals and space-holders 


The JFL Pleasure Package (Mailed to YOU!)

Including womb herbs, yoni steam herbs, JFL Official Workbook, your choice of Yoni Egg! and *obsidian wand

*For Full Certification participants only

($250 Value) 

+ Private VIP 1-1 Session -Womb Activation with Numana- Allie ($497 value!)

Numana-Allie will discuss your business blueprint & get clear of your steps forward for the next 6 months. For those paying in full, you get the Womb Clearing Session as an additional second session, led by Numana-Allie. It will help you clear some of your deepest emotional and energetic patterns through the guided meditative ritual called womb clearing. This is to help address the block wherever it’s coming up now, so you can embody a new story of radiance and embody a new frequency flow of creation with ease. Methods include: timeline healing, inner child + archetypal empowerment, and activating breath work- depending on your unique individual needs.

+ Live Mentors & Womb Priestesses

Yiz Mariposa, Kenya Wright, Meaghan Bergman will be your mentors & guide offering LIVE coaching

+ 16 Juicy Guest Expert Videos

Leaders in the field of feminine embodiment, sensual healing, tantra, and more! 

+ Three Bonus Workbooks!  

Moon Cycle Cookbook, The Hormone Balance Protocol, and the Priestess Meal Plan

+ Bonus Call to Embody Your gift as an embodied feminine leader

Prepare to offer your gift: in a 10-15 time-slot, you will be sharing a practice you learned in JFL mixed with your own voice and unique gifts for your group. This is where you embody your authentic leadership.

I'm ready to become a Juicy Feminine Leader!
+ Private VIP Womb & Biz Blueprint 1-1 Coaching Session + Womb Clearing-Activation Session with Numana- Allie ($497 value!)

Numana- Allie will help you lay out your business blueprint. Session also includes somatic Womb Clearing support to clear some of your deepest emotional and energetic patterns through the guided meditative ritual called womb clearing. This is to help address the block wherever it’s coming up now, so you can embody a new story of radiance and embody a new frequency flow of creation with ease. Methods include: timeline healing, inner child + archetypal empowerment, and activating breath work- depending on your unique individual needs.

+ 14 Juicy Guest Experts

Leaders in the field of feminine embodiment, sensual healing, tantra, and more!

+ Three Bonus Workbooks!  

Moon Cycle Cookbook, The Hormone Balance Protocol, and the Priestess Meal Plan

I'm ready to become a Juicy Feminine Leader!

Meet Your Juicy Goddess Guest Teachers!

Anaiya Sophia

Lourdes Starshower Pollock

Myriam Llano

Nicole Pemberton

Adi Shakti

Shona Keeli Jones

Hannah Marie Dakini

C.J. Thomas

Taylor Clark Johnson

Dakota Chanel

Jedaya Barboza

Lillie Claire Love

Sarah Miller

Macey Rose Dickerson

Betsy Blankenbaker

Hara Rose Satori

Join Kauai Retreat with your Sisterhood

November 3-7th, 2024
Optional, but recommended 😉 + get package discount if you sign up for JFL Academy + Retreat


LIVE Course

Personal Path

6 payments of $199 or $997

  • 3 full months inside LIVE program 
    + lifetime access to course materials + replays of LIVE calls 

  • Bi-Monthly LIVE calls with somatic + embodiment rituals

  • 12+ BODY Methodology Pre-Recorded Videos

  • Online Community Network

  • JFL Workbook

  • EBooks: Priestess Meal Plan, Moon Cycle eCookbook, & Hormone Balance Protocol

  • BONUS: 20+ Juicy Guest Expert Videos

 BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing Session with Numana-Allie (value $333)
only if PAID in FULL


I'm In!

LIVE Course + Biz Mastermind

Entrepreneur Path

6 payments of $367 or $1997

  • 3 full months inside LIVE program 
    + lifetime access to course materials + replays of LIVE calls 

  • Bi-Monthly LIVE calls with somatic + embodiment rituals

  • Bi-Monthly Mastermind LIVE Calls to blast through business blocks + get direct feedback to create your business with ease
  • 12+ BODY Methodology Pre-Recorded Videos

  • 12+ Business Training Pre-Recorded Videos

  • VIP 1-1 Call with Numana-Allie to discuss your business blueprint 
  • Online Community Network

  • JFL Workbook

  • EBooks: Priestess Meal Plan, Moon Cycle eCookbook, & Hormone Balance Protocol

  • BONUS: 20+ Juicy Guest Expert Videos

BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing Session with Numana-Allie (value $333)
only if PAID in FULL

I'm Ready!

 We are in support of BIWOC and the LGBTQ2+ community. We have reduced pricing scholarships available to make this program financially accessible to marginalized communities. Please fill out the application or email your questions to [email protected].

Apply for Scholarship
Contact Me for More Info

Know Yourself,
Embody Sensual Flow,
Live Your Purpose 

Still not totally sure if JFL is for you? That's okay, goddess! See what these sisters had to say about their transformation into Juicy Feminine Leaders...

"Through Juicy Feminine Leadership, I was guided to tap into my sacred feminine power and not hide my gifts. 

Since we last gathered in the spring, I have taught my Womb Dance Journey to three summer festivals and conducted a few of my own workshops.

There is empowerment in journeying with a supportive tribe of women by discovering together, growing together, and having breakthroughs together. Allie has created a beautiful loving container of freedom, wonder and creative juiciness!"

- Nicole Pemberton, Owner of The Goddess Moves


"This course showed me how to be so in tune with my body, with what to feed it, and also yoni exercise practices: yoni steam baths and womb exercises to help clear out traumas in my womb. 

If you feel like you are struggling with loving yourself or you want to strengthen the bond between you and your yoni, then do yourself a favor and take this course! 

I also learned a lot about Sex Magick, which is really juicy and I love this topic, and how to use sex as a manifestation tool."

- Susana Ramirez, Co-Founder of The Arcadia Project Sustainable Community & Permaculture


"l feel so ALIVE, so full of ENERGY, so TURNED ON with life, and it has been a beautiful journey!

I feel like this course has set such a foundation and rooting to get to know ME so authentically and so clearly and that place has allowed me to GROW and SPREAD and BE!

My intention for this course was to learn how to balance my masculine and feminine- the 'doing sense' and the 'being sense,' and there was a whole lot more I received. It helped me to really clear up parts of myself I didn’t realize needed healing. The layers upon layers that Allie brings to this course and on top of the other teachers she brought in, I am so grateful, I love you Allie!"

- Haley Kelly, Owner of Infinity Weaver

I feel much more embodied in my truth as I work towards building a heart-centered business without strain. 

The connections I’ve made through JFL alone are worth their weight in gold!

I came to Juicy Feminine Leadership because I wanted to feel more empowered to make bold moves in my life and career without feeling burned out. Juicy Feminine Leadership gave me the tools to embody who I am and the gift that I want to bring to this world and I now feel clearer on my dharma, the potential that is possible for me and the steps I need to take to manifest my dreams.”


~Beka Bright,
yoga instructor, massage therapist and Ayurvedic coach

“This JFL in particular took place during a very powerful time with the pandemic and BLM revolution and Allie held space very well without spiritual bypassing whatsoever. I am in full gratitude.

As a former sex worker that grew up in a Christian family, I struggled with massive concepts of being 'the walking billboard of sin' and deep Christian wounds encoded in my DNA. As a Registered Nurse that is wanting to embody my dharma, I constantly experience MASSIVE burn outs. 

The most sacred birth I've experienced during JFL is the embodiment of my sexuality and fulfilling my dharma: embodying The Genderless Witch and bridging womb healing for the LGBT2SIQTGNCNB++ community & allies.”

~Hara Rose

“This work is DEEP. It’s not always easy but the return is feeling WHOLE, VIBRANT, JUICY! 

At the time of saying, 'YES!' to JFL, my hormones were out of balance, I didn’t know how to transform my dreams into reality, I had difficulties communicating my wants and needs, and I had a lot of shame and guilt built up in my womb space surrounding my sexuality. 

I can honestly say the Allie has given me all of the tools needed to heal these aspects of my life and so many more amazing tips on being the goddess I knew was possible.

I hold so much love for Allie and her willingness to offer her extensive research mixed with experience to sisters joining in on the healing path.”


~McKenna Hageline,
Holistic Midwife-in training

"Through Juicy Feminine Leadership, I was guided to tap into my sacred feminine power and not hide my gifts. 

Since we last gathered in the spring, I have taught my Womb Dance Journey to three summer festivals and conducted a few of my own workshops.

There is empowerment in journeying with a supportive tribe of women by discovering together, growing together, and having breakthroughs together. Allie has created a beautiful loving container of freedom, wonder and creative juiciness!"

- Nicole Pemberton, Owner of The Goddess Moves


"This course showed me how to be so in tune with my body, with what to feed it, and also yoni exercise practices: yoni steam baths and womb exercises to help clear out traumas in my womb. 

If you feel like you are struggling with loving yourself or you want to strengthen the bond between you and your yoni, then do yourself a favor and take this course! 

I also learned a lot about Sex Magick, which is really juicy and I love this topic, and how to use sex as a manifestation tool."

- Susana Ramirez, Co-Founder of The Arcadia Project Sustainable Community & Permaculture


"l feel so ALIVE, so full of ENERGY, so TURNED ON with life, and it has been a beautiful journey!

I feel like this course has set such a foundation and rooting to get to know ME so authentically and so clearly and that place has allowed me to GROW and SPREAD and BE!

My intention for this course was to learn how to balance my masculine and feminine- the 'doing sense' and the 'being sense,' and there was a whole lot more I received. It helped me to really clear up parts of myself I didn’t realize needed healing. The layers upon layers that Allie brings to this course and on top of the other teachers she brought in, I am so grateful, I love you Allie!"

- Haley Kelly, Owner of Infinity Weaver

When I started Modern Goddess Lifestyle with just $400 to my name and an unshakeable plan to help women heal, I had no idea it would grow to help thousands of women embody their inner leader, heal their cycles, release sexual trauma, and rise into their potential of the life they believed they could live. 

Every time I think about the many women I have helped, the testimonials I have received and sweet emails of gratitude, I KNOW I am living my dharma: helping women rise as strong pillars.

I smile and I’m glad I stuck with it.

I said YES to myself, YES to my dreams, and YES to YOU.

And I couldn’t have done it alone. I tried for years, and I felt overwhelmingly isolated.

If you take a moment to breathe into your womb, (your sacral chakra) and really listen to your desires, you'll know you don't want to be alone in this journey either!

When you align with a container of like-minded sisters with big dreams who are having breakthroughs, you feel held and SEEN and finally able to GROW. These rituals are guided month-by month to help you stick with it even when your blocks come up - that’s why we’re here for you! You get to learn your blocks and work through them, once and for all!

No one can wave a magic wand and fix it for you. No coach or team can do it for you. 

It’s you, babe. This journey is about your relationship with yourself - the MOST important investment you can make.

Stop the guessing, the trial and error, the doubting and shaming yourself into a hole.

You are magic! Are you ready to fully embody it and create with it?

LIVE Course

Personal Path

4 payments of $299

  • 3 full months inside LIVE program 
    + lifetime access to course materials + replays of LIVE calls 

  • Bi-Monthly LIVE calls with somatic + embodiment rituals

  • 12+ BODY Methodology Pre-Recorded Videos

  • Online Community Network

  • JFL Workbook

  • EBooks: Priestess Meal Plan, Moon Cycle eCookbook, & Hormone Balance Protocol

  • BONUS: 20+ Juicy Guest Expert Videos

 BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing Session with Numana-Allie (value $333)
only if PAID in FULL


I'm Ready!

LIVE Course + Biz Mastermind

Entrepreneur Path

6 payments of $367 or $1997

  • 3 full months inside LIVE program 
    + lifetime access to course materials + replays of LIVE calls 

  • Bi-Monthly LIVE calls with somatic + embodiment rituals

  • Bi-Monthly Mastermind LIVE Calls to blast through business blocks + get direct feedback to create your business with ease
  • 12+ BODY Methodology Pre-Recorded Videos

  • 12+ Business Training Pre-Recorded Videos

  • VIP 1-1 Call with Numana-Allie to discuss your business blueprint 
  • Online Community Network

  • JFL Workbook

  • EBooks: Priestess Meal Plan, Moon Cycle eCookbook, & Hormone Balance Protocol

  • BONUS: 20+ Juicy Guest Expert Videos

BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing Session with Numana-Allie (value $333)
only if PAID in FULL

I'm Ready!

Made it this far, but got something on your mind? 

Here are the answers to our most often asked questions: 

"I believe that it is our birthright as women to reclaim our sensual sovereignty and embody our creative power.


 Numana-Allie is a Womb Healer, Mentor, and Women's Health & Nutrition Coach. She is the founder of Juicy Feminine Leadership™ a leadership initiation for entrepreneurs building their energetic capacity to lead serve and receive in their life's purpose. Also the founder of the Womb Health Practitioner Training, training leaders how to lead somatic and energetic womb healing rituals.

Numana's mission is for the liberation of divine feminine creation power for you to rise into their prosperity journey, knowing it first starts within your heart. @moderngoddesslifestyle & @wombhealthacademy

Ok, Goddess!

You've read it all and have taken it in deep. I can see that you’re ready!

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A percentage of all proceeds from this course will be donated to the ZanaAfrica Foundation or another local non-profit to help women in need receive menstrual health education, sanitary napkins, and help continuing their education!