It's time to STOP burnout and
Modern society pressures you to push on through: mask your hormonal pain with painkillers, drink espresso, show up and get the job done with a smile.
But this isn’t sustainable and can cause depletion of your vitality, disconnect from your intuition and drained from your power.
Goddess, your vitality lies in you being able to WORK WITH your cycle, not against it.
Understanding how your hormones shift, your fertility signs, and how to support your natural ebbs and flows with ritual and nutrition, is the foundation of your feminine vitality.
Are you ready to take your power back, end hormonal pain and irregularities, and live in SOVEREIGNTY with your cycle?
Welcome to Goddess in Rhythm!
An online, self-paced, 5-week immersion, helping you RECLAIM the ancient wisdom of your period, through modern methods.
Period pain, PMS, and irregularities are NOT normal.
In fact, these are signs from your body that your hormones need support.
- If you have intense food cravings before you bleed… your hormones need support!
- If you have period pain that causes you to miss work or school… your hormones need support!
- If you bleed twice in one month or have long, heavy, or irregular bleeding… your hormones need support!
- If you feel exhausted, moody, irritable, and lash out on your loved ones… your hormones need support!
If you've been told that the pill or synthetic hormones are your only options, I'm here to show you there IS another way!
Goddess in Rhythm helps you embody the wisdom of your cycle for hormone balance, internally and holistically.
You’ll receive everything you need to know to support your fluctuating hormones with nutrition, recipes, herbs, workouts, and rituals to help you live in harmony and increase vitality.
Your period does NOT have to feel like a curse... it's time to take your power back.
If you want to:
● End period cramps, PMS, food cravings and irregularity
● Cook for the inner hormonal seasons of your cycle
● Experience more vital energy and less burnout
● Connect to your feminine essence through cycle ritual
● Learn how to track your fertility signs to prevent or plan for pregnancy
● Plan your schedule and business around your cycle to maximize your time
● Regulate your cycle, holistically after using contraceptives
then Goddess in Rhythm was made for YOU!

In just 5-weeks, you'll learn EVERYTHING you need to know to support your hormone symptoms.

Each week, you'll receive a video with homework to complete at your own pace, helping you learn how your hormones are impacting your energy levels and mood, dietary needs, and suggested activities and rituals including topics like:

Moon Phase Connection

Sacred Sexuality



Crystal Use

Workout Videos

Ancient Eastern Techniques

Self-Love Practices

Goddess Archetypes
...And so much more!
Plus, you'll receive BONUS lectures and interviews on vaginal infection prevention, thyroid care, and menstrual cycle irregularities from leading top guest experts in menstrual health.
This program is packed with methods of living in sync with your cycle to help you live in rhythm with your cycle so you can access your inner goddess wisdom, while loving and trusting yourself, fearlessly!

Module 1: The Menstrual Cycle Overview
Activate the wisdom of your cycle… Your period is NOT a curse!
Receive the hormone health education you weren’t taught in school: reproductive anatomy + why and how the hormones fluctuate.
Learn how to track your cycle so you know exactly when your period is coming and when you are most fertile.
Learn the signals your body is telling you when there is hormonal imbalance.
Learn Birth Control Contraceptive effects and alternative options.
Bring out your beautiful inner goddess. You ARE worthy, sexy, and gorgeous!
Module 2: The Follicular Phase
Harmonize with your “inner spring.”
- Discover the foods, recipes and herbal allies that support your inner spring hormones.
- Learn moon phase rituals to help you birth and grow your ideas and intentions.
- Invoke follicular phase activities: goddess archetypes and rituals for the growth energy of this phase.
- Build energy with BONUS: “Pilates for the Follicular Phase” workout video.
Module 3: The Ovulatory Phase
Harmonize with your “inner summer.”
- Discover the foods, recipes and plant allies that heighten your fertility and give you expansive energy in your inner summer phase.
- Learn moon phase rituals and activities to help celebrate the abundance of this phase.
- Invoke ovulatory phase goddess archetypes, and use crystals and yoni eggs for honoring sacred sexuality.
- Maximize this phase’s powerful energy by learning how to build muscle, and utilize the high testosterone with BONUS: “Strength Training for the Ovulatory Phase” workout video.
Module 4: The Luteal Phase
Harmonize with your “inner autumn.”
- Discover the foods, recipes, and herbal allies that help you reduce food cravings, PMS, and cramping in your inner autumn phase.
- Learn relaxing self-care practices such as yoni steams and meditation.
- Understand why food cravings occur and how to balance blood sugar.
- Learn moon phase rituals and activities to help release and let-go in this phase.
- Invoke luteal phase goddess archetypes and use crystals for grounding your your intuition.
- Flow with BONUS: “Yoga for the Luteal Phase” video with postures to support luteal phase hormones.
Module 5: The Menstrual Phase
Harmonize with your “inner winter.”
- Discover the foods, recipes and herbal allies that help relieve menstrual cramps and replenish your body during your inner winter phase.
- Rest and restore with the audio track: “Menstrual Phase Meditation for Womb Wisdom.”
- Learn how to listen to the pains of your body and decode the hidden messages.
- Connect with your womb-space and use this as a source of intuitive guidance.
- Discover alternatives to maxi-pads and tampons.
- Learn moon phase rituals and activities to help set new intentions during this phase, plus create a beautiful altar space in your home.
- Invoke goddess archetypes + blood rituals to honor this phase.
Are you ready to be the Goddess in Rhythm
you were meant to be?
The value of this content is worth $1500.
It's my desire for this information to be accessible!
Clear your hormone challenges now, so you can have more energy and radiance to experience more abundance in life!
That's just $30 per week with our EPIC payment plan!
Goddess, YOU are WORTH it.
Your Health. Your Hormones. Your Libido. Your Life!
Going VIP, you will receive a 1:1 Session with a Personalized Protocol for Hormone Balance (this is the only way to do a single session with me currently)
Womb Clearing Sessions are also available in VIP Package

"Since receiving this beautiful offering, I have become more in tune with my body’s natural cycles and this has brought a great sense of empowerment and joy into my every day.
Allie has a nurturing and joy-filled way that she explains each phase of our moon cycle, and ways in which we can honor our bodies and our Self as we cycle our natural rhythm. Her teachings are very grounded in scientific truth, connecting delicious earthly foods that support hormone health, while bringing in the mystical wonders of goddess offerings, supportive crystal energies and beautiful self-care practices.
I am truly grateful and would recommend Allie’s course to anyone seeking to empower their divine Modern Goddess. This offering is truly a gift."
~Stephanie Shrock, Yoga Teacher

"Once I started following the recipes, I noticed a more harmonious flow to my body because I was able to tune into my body more and give it what I needed, which allowed for less painful periods, and a lot more energy.
It also helped me to tap into the wisdom that we all innately have by connecting to my womb space, which brought up a lot emotionally for me to heal. I now continue to follow those little womb whispers that help me transform and heal on such deep levels.
I would recommend this course to any woman who has troubles with their period or who wants to understand women’s health. I feel that every woman needs to take this course!”
~Ebony, 24

"After this 5-week journey, I felt even more knowledgeable and more empowered to share menstrual cycle awareness with the women and girls I worked within the circles I host.
I deepened my understanding of hormone health and menstrual magic. The course also deepened and enhanced my relationship with my own cycle and womb. It was a beautiful part of my own feminine journey and I'm so grateful I did it."
~Aisling, Host of Circles for Mamas & Girls @inner.vibrance

“I recently got off birth control pills and was filled with fear surrounding getting pregnant. This program has really helped me learn the natural rhythm of my body and to figure out which days I’m most fertile so I can easily and effectively avoid pregnancy.
With Allie’s program, Goddess in Rhythm, I have been able to effectively tune in to my body and listen to what it needs at certain times of my cycle so I can perform better and eat according to what my body craves during certain times. There are certain phases of your monthly cycle that require you to slow down and others where you can utilize the extra energy your body produces.
As an avid runner and overall active woman, I am constantly striving to fuel myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thank you, Allie, I wouldn’t be able to take reins with confidence had I not taken this program!"
~Robin Holmer

“Goddess in Rhythm is RAISING THE VIBRATION to change the lives of many women! Allie was more helpful than any doctor/OBGYN I've ever been to. She cleared up a lot of concerns I've had for years and did a great job at explaining in a knowledgeable yet easy to understand way.
Not only do I understand more about what's happening in my body and why, I feel like I have the resources to fix these imbalances from the advice Allie gave. She is so knowledgeable, loving, and truly cares about the people she gives to. I wish every woman in the world could talk with her!”
~Alana Bruggner, 27, Owner of Fló
“GIR course has truly been life-changing! I now feel more connected to my womb & self than I ever have. I am physically, energetically, emotionally & spiritually living from such a grounded & deeper place! Thank you for being a light in this world where cycle & womb education is barely existent! Keep sharing your truth & wisdom…I’ve been telling my girlfriends about your course & work!

Will this program regulate my cycle and make my hormonal issues go away?
I don’t have irregular cycles or hormonal imbalances; will this program still be beneficial?
I have already gone through menopause or have had a hysterectomy, is this program still for me?
How much time commitment is needed?
I am religious; how do references to the goddesses in this course relate to me?